Sunday, March 3, 2019

Steel Punch 5: Brokenhearted City Soundtrack

I have finally completed the last installment of the Steel Punch series titled Steel Punch 5: Brokenhearted City. I have made these as a sort of love letter to fighting games like Streets Of Rage 2. I made the first Steel Punch soundtrack and had no intentions of making another. Then I made Steel Punch 2: Gideon's Revenge and that was fun. Then I made Steel Punch 3: Ladies Night and had that as a all lady themed video game. At the end of that I added some child laughter and that made me think “What if these characters had kids?” and made Steel Punch 4: Waking Maria. I seriously thought I was finished. And then a couple of months ago I had the idea to have all the good guys from the previous games turn bad and made this new one, Steel Punch 5: Brokenhearted City.

I have made hundreds of songs using Looperman and will be sending links to the people whose music I have used to create this stuff. For whatever reason these never load in order so click here to see the track listings. This soundtrack contains 16 tracks. I removed bonus levels from this to smooth things out and even made some songs shorter than usual. This was fun and thanks for checking this out. I had a lot of fun making this.

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